Advanced Appraisal Fee Schedule

  • Single Family Residential - Conventional
  • $475
  • Single Family Residential - FHA
  • $575
  • Single Family Residential - Acreage Properties
  • $600
  • Single Family Residential - New & Proposed Construction
  • $550
  • Single Family Residential - Complex Properties or Over 3000 S.F.
  • Quote

  • Limited 2055 exterior inspection only
  • $350
  • Vacant Land Appraisal
  • $475
  • Small Residential Income Properties 2-4 units
  • $700
  • Individual Condominium Appraisals
  • $475
  • Property Completion Report with photos (1004D)
  • $100
  • Property Condition Report (form 1070, 1075, etc.)
  • $100
  • Price includes the new market conditions form 1004MC.

    This is not a complete list of the services we can provide. Please contact us if the service you need is not listed.